Demand a Queen's Speech on housing

The people have spoken, and the Conservatives are now settling back into government with a slim majority. 

One urgent matter on the agenda is how to fix the housing crisis. Unlike any of the party manifestos, Generation Rent has offered a practical and coherent plan to achieve the following:
  • A fair deal for renters - we need better protection for the country's 11 million private renters and effective regulation 
  • Reducing the cost of building new homes - thanks to the country's addiction to rising house prices land is just too expensive 
  • Building genuinely affordable homes - the private sector cannot provide affordable homes for people on the lowest incomes, we need to fund a new social housing programme
Renters cannot afford another five years of inaction. We need this to be central to the government's agenda so please email all the party leaders using this form.

Please note Nicola Sturgeon will send you an auto-reply - please don't worry about this
Caroline Lucas's office has agreed to meet us to discuss how to take forward a progressive housing agenda for the private rented sector
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